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The European economy, especially the automotive industry, is becoming less competitive every year. To add to this we have conflicts in various parts of the world, both politically and economically motivated. How does the aforementioned turmoil affect Poland, its economy and its ability to develop?

Will we remain an attractive area for investment? Will conflicts in distant regions of the world have a direct impact on our country's economic situation? How will the US-China conflict affect Poland? What about the presence of Chinese investors in Poland in the face of the EU's tariffs policy towards China? Can we use this situation to our advantage, and how?

The impact of geopolitcal changes on Poland - Santander Bank Polska is the content partner of the session

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A discussion on the competitiveness of the automotive sector in the context of technical development and recent legislative developments, backed up by the outcome of the recent automotive sector studies.

Competitiveness in the Automotive Aftermarket in context of the technical development

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Challenges brought by ambitious climate policy pursued by the EU decision-makers, tensions between China and EU and decreasing competitiveness of the automotive sector as such are getting serious.

The recent elections showing the shift in the balance of powers, as well as a set of new priorities that shape the political and policy agenda until 2029, the competitiveness of the European industry being one of them also add to the difficulties the sector is facing. We will try to answer the questions on the future of the automotive industry and market in the light of the combination of all these factors.

The automotive sector from the European perspective

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A comprehensive study of the key trends and forecasts that will govern the European Automotive Aftermarket in 2035 prepared by experts Boston Consulting Group based on their latest studies.

The European Automotive Aftermarket in 2035 – Key Trends and Forecasts

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Summary of trends and situation in the automotive market in Poland, including recent trends and tendencies. Forecasts for the coming months and predictions for the condition of the sector.

Automotive industry and market in Poland - summary and forecasts

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Launched in Sweden, “Vision Zero” is an effort to improve road safety. Its goal is to minimize road fatalities to zero. The discussion that has been going on for years about road safety is extremely lively, and it gets hotter with every spectacular event on the road.

What is common is the search for a guaranteed successful solution that could effectively contribute to reducing the number of accidents, collisions, fatalities and injuries. During the session, we will answer the question of how this goal can be achieved.

Safe on the road - the role of the automotive sector in accomplishing Vision Zero

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Gala Dinner keynote speech

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SERMI – authorised access to security-related vehicle data - DEKRA is the content partner of the session

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Gala Dinner Partner

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Association of Automotive Parts Distributors and Producers (SDCM) - nearly 250 largest brands in the automotive parts industry and market, representing the interests of industry, trade and services worth nearly PLN 140Bn per annum, employing over 330K people. SDCM belongs to most prominent European associations: CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers) and FIGIEFA (International Federation of Independent Automotive Aftermarket Distributors).

For more information visit

Association of Automotive Parts Distributors and Producers (SDCM)

Za Dębami 3, Warsaw 05-075, Poland

Monika Pytkowska
+48 607 470 967

Magdalena Pytkowska

+48 789 292 496

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